Country Acres Pet Services has provided dog control for several Towns and Villages since 1979.
We provide dog control services for the following areas:
Cortland County
City of Cortland - Shelter
Town of Cuyler
Town of Freetown
Town of Harford
Town of Homer
Village of Homer
Town of Preble
Town of Scott
Town of Taylor
Town of Truxton - Shelter
Town of Virgil
Town of Willet
Cayuga County
Town of Moravia
Village of Moravia
Town of Locke
Town of Sempronius
Town of Summerhill
Tompkins County
Town of Groton
Village of Groton
Town of Lansing
Chenango County
Town of Pitcher
Town of Otselic - Shelter
Onondaga County
Town of Fabius - Shelter
Town of Otisco - Shelter
Town of Spafford - Shelter
Country Acres Pet Services Dog Control contracts are for stray DOGS only. Our job is to enforce the Local Dog Control Ordinances and pick up stray dogs. We may often assist in Animal Cruelty in our municipalities, but we cannot enforce Article 26 which is Cruelty to Animals. We have very limited space for cats and can only handle a few at a time.
Country Acres Animal Shelter DOES NOT euthanize any adoptable dog for “space”. Although it is impossible to save all animals due to aggression and liability; We strive to give all of the stray dogs in our shelter the opportunity to become part of a family and have a second chance.
Country Acres Animal Shelter adopts approximately 300 unwanted dogs every year.
Country Acres Animal Shelter is a 501C(3) not for profit animal shelter. Country Acres Animal Shelter was established in 2009 to provide the care for the stray animals that became available for adoption after their redemption period from Country Acres Pet Services.
If you have lost or found a dog-
Please notify your Local Dog Control Officer. If you are unaware of who your Local Dog Control Officer is, please call the non-emergency line of the Police Department.
Call all local shelters and veterinary offices and give them a location and description of the lost/found dog, notify neighbors and post on Facebook if you are able to do so. Lost/Found Pets Cortland County, Lost Dogs of the Finger Lakes, Lost and Found Pets of Cortland County NY, Lost Dogs of CNY are some suggestions. If the dog lost is microchipped, please call the microchip company and report the dog missing. Print and hang flyers with a description of the dog and the location it went lost/found.
Country Acres Dog Control
Shelter - 607-749-2734
Stray Dog Emergency - 607-345-3139
Dogs are held for a minimum of 5 days. If a stray listed is not claimed within 5 days, it is then evaluated, and the dog may be available for adoption.
In order to adhere with New York State Law all dog owners must provide Proof of Ownership, a Current Rabies Vaccine and all dogs must be Licensed in the town it resides in. Most Towns/Villages charge a redemption fee which is paid to Country Acres Pet Services at time of redemption. Both the redemption fee and the license fee go back to the Town/Village. Please call 607-749-2734 if you need to redeem your dog.